
Thursday, August 11, 2005

Echo & Narcissus

The new design is coming along nicely. I'm almost finsished fixing up the home page and will be starting the other pages (ie: about me, memberships/cliques/rings, link directory, etc...) either after this (if I get a second gust of awakeness) or most likely Thursday. It's dark (black background and red/orange/white accents), but I think you all will enjoy it a bunch. I'm going to be adding new sections (weightloss, autobio, maybe a writing center) to woo you with. I'm wanting to create a site that's more than just a blog and links to my photos and favorite websites. I'm also going to be figuring out how to create post excerpts so I can show a paragraph of a long post and link to the rest. We'll see how it goes.

Speaking of blogging, I took the blogger survey. I left a comment about wanting a calendar like MT has. I'd love to have a calendar option that would show when I posted, link to those posts and have an option to add events. I'd make it myself, but I'm not that knowledgable about coding.

In other news, after 25 days straight of sunshine we encountered an overcast sky today. I didn't mind, although it did feel a little strange putting long pants on. I'm so used to throwing one of my capri's on and running around barefoot! ,o)

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